Health is Wealth!

Monday, July 26, 2010

influenza A (H1N1)

symptoms of influenza

  • fever, head ache, body pain
  • cough,
  • throat pain
  • wheezing problems

  1. age before 5 year
  2. age after 65 year
  3. pregnant women's
  4. disease affected persons (like lungs, heart, kidney, sugar patient, cancer and aids)
  5. body low ressistant

  • use hand kerchief/tissue paper before cough
  • regular hand wash while touching things
  • A(H1N1) patients are alonely treat medical procedures
  • propar disposal of tissue paper, wash hand kerchief for regular use
  • take medical treatment when fever, cough, loosemotion, throat pain, body pain
  • to avoid touching of eye, nose, mouth before hand wash