Health is Wealth!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Online Dental Treatment Program

Dental Care :

Regular dental Check-Up is most for maintaining a good Oral Hygiene. The accumulation of Food debris which eventually becomes hard deposit (like plague calculus, stains) on the teeth, dental scaling (Cleaning) removes the deposits deep to the gums.

What happen if not treated :

More plaque bacteria will accumulate which causes deep "Pockets" and bad breath. Initially gum will lead to bleeding gums and eventually it will lead to bone and mobility of the teeth.

What is the treatment Plan if it is deep :

In deep deposits treated by Flap surgery it is nothing but deep scaling, root Planning and curettage. Scaling and Polishing is a preventive procedure.

Mild cavities :

Mild cavities on the teeth can be detected by routine Check-up with your dentist. It can be prevented by fillings (Tooth Colour Restorations), amalgam filings also can be done. Mild cavities should be treated immediately, because it prevents dental caries further from deterioration. Dental varies can be detected by X-ray's. If the caries is deep or fractured teeth the treatment is root canal therapy.

Oral lesions :

If can be detected in early stages by dentist. The different cases are leakoplakia, (whitish area on the buckle mucosa) sub mucous fibrosis (tightening of oral muscles and severe burning sensation due to heavy tobacco chewing, mote spicy foods, smoking) and carcinoma.

Insurance :

  • Dental Insurance
  • Family Insurance
  • Medical Insurance
  • Health Insurance


  • Daily Two Times brashing
  • Yearly Three Times Dental Check-up

Online Swine Flu Treatment Program

Online health care program

Type of Disease :

  • Swine Flu
  • Dental care
  • Diabetes Drug

What is Swine Flu :

Swine Flu is a respiratory disease. caused by a strain of the influenza Virus known as HIN 1. Although, HIN1 is the same strain that causes seasonal outbreaks of flu in humans, the latest type is different as it a mutated version containing genetic material that is generally found in strains of the Virus that affect humans, birds and swine (pigs).

What has happened this time is that the flu viruses from humans and pigs have swapped genetic components with each other, and evolved into a completely new variety Hence the absence of any concrete treatment plan for it. Although the strain may have originated in pigs, it is now a wholly human disease and is being transmitted person-to-person.

How it Spreads :

Experts think coughing, sneezing and contaminated surfaces can spread the infection among people. The virus cannot be obtained through eating properly cooked pork or any pork product.

Symptoms :

The symptoms are similar to common flu. They include fever, lethargy, lack of appetite, coughing, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Infection from the virus can lead to severe illness, including pneumonia and respiratory failure and can be fatal.

Emergency warning signs that need urgent attention :

  • Fast breathing or difficulty in breathing ·
  • Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen ·
  • Bluish or gray skin colour ·
  • Severe or persistent vomiting Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough

Treatment :

Antiviral drugs, such as oseltamivir or zanamivir, are recommended for treatment and prevention of Swine flu.

Antiviral drugs are prescription medicines that keep flu viruses form reproducing in the body. These drugs work best if treatment is started within two days of the onset of symptoms.

Do's and Don'ts :
  • Best option would be to avoid unnecessary travel to affected areas, if possible. Avoid large crowded groups ·
  • Good hygiene practices go a long way, wash your hand regularly. Germs can be spread when a person touches respiratory droplets from another person on a surface like a desk, and then touches his.
  • Watch out for any flu like symptoms, like persistent fever and cough and cold ·
  • Consult a doctor if you're worried, ideally at designated Government hospitals ·
  • Cover your mouth and nose if you cough and sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
  • Stay away from infected people. This is necessary since the HIN 1 virus spreads when an infected person coughs or sneezes, around other people ·
  • The virus also spreads when you touch something infected and then tough you mouth, nose or eyes, so wash your hand regularly ·
  • Improve airflow in the living space by opening the windows and proper ventilation.
  • The virus does not spread by eating well-cooked pork products, though it would be a healthy option to wash your hands properly after handling pork.

Wearing mask Application :
· Place filter over nose, mouth and chin · Fit flexible nose piece over nose bridge · Secure on head with elastic and adjust to fit

Removal :
Lift bottom elastic over head first · Lift off top elastic · Discard

What should I do if I get Sick :

If you live in areas where people have been identified with new HIN 1 or if you have symptoms like fever and cold, you should stay home and avoid contact with other people.

Seek the opinion of your doctor immediately. He will determine whether flu testing or treatment is needed. If they suspect any symptoms they will send your blood sample, throat swab and pharyngeal (nose to mouth) for testing to laboratories.

Testing will take 24 to 48 hours. You need to go home and stay indoors. If found positive, you need to be on treatment, and need isolation. Your family and contacts also need to be screened. You should stay at home and not go for work or school and limit contact with others to prevent them from getting infecting by you.